Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The message behind the video

This video will consist of a montage of images, art works and video clips of beautiful places and experiences available in today's world. We need to remind ourselves of what the world really has to offer us in terms of nature, people and wonders. In today's society it seems like media and commercial goods take up most our energy. People talk more about the material things they have than the dreams and philosophies they wish to uncover. Where are we now? Where are we putting our energy, and why? What are we looking for..... Truly?

This video is going to be a visually powerful one. Accompanied by Joni Mitchell's "Woodstock", the montage will hopefully inspire the spectator to rethink about his way of life. How much room do we give to spiritual, enlightening experiences? Part of the video will be interrupted by familiar images such as those found in popular commerc
ials and publicity. Many car commercials, beauty products and fast food advertisements try to use spiritual themes such as freedom to entice us to buy their product. Are they the right source of energy for us? This 2 minute video will prove that they aren't. We create the world, lets make the most of it!


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